Malbroucks are found in central and south-central Africa, ranging from the Albertine Rift in DR Congo west to the Atlantic coast and south to northern Namibia and Zambia west of the Luangwa River,
It lives in marshy forest, savanna-forest and montane forest up to an altitude of 4,500 m The malbrouck is a diurnal animal living in large groups, consisting of six to more than 50 animals. The number of males and females is usually about the same. Each group has its own territory, the size of which depends on the amount of available food. The malbrouck uses a wide range of sounds and gestures to communicate with other members of a group.

The malbrouck is a slim, agile primate with long limbs and a long tail. The fur is olive-grey. The breast and underparts are white, as well as the cheeks and eyebrows, which surround the bald, pale-blotched face.[3] The eyes are brown. The genitals are brightly colored; the scrotum of the male is blue, the penis is red. Males are about 20% larger than females.