Where are Djam-
Bale Mountains vervets inhabit montane, tropical and subtropical forest in the highlands of Ethiopia (2400m to 3250m). The species was originally thought to be restricted to the bamboo forest of its limited range. However, where there has been increased bamboo extraction and an increase in agricultural activity the species has demonstrated more flexibility than once thought. Here the Bale Mountains vervets have adapted to the remaining suboptimal habitat and raid crops.
This species has not been studied in great detail, the first field studies being carried out in 2007-08. Group sizes recorded range from 9 to 60 individuals. The home range of one group was approximately 15 ha. They are somewhat less terrestrial than the other species of the genus. Further studies are necessary to increase our knowledge of this species.
Bamboo does make up the majority of the diet of Bale Mountains vervets, though they are not bamboo specialists as once thought. Two species of bamboo (Arundinaria alpina and Dombeya torrida) have been recorded to make up between 75% and 83% of their diet, depending on season. They also eat fruits seeds and animals prey. They do seem to be specialised for eating bamboo leaves. They have adapted to cultivated land and will readily crop raid.